Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ok, so I know I've been gone for a while, but come on Deanna is the only person who reads this! Also Deanna I hope this morning when you are going through your blog roll that you get a smile from this. Anyway, the point is I'm making an effort to come back and actually post about something worth while! Although I haven't been posting do not mean I haven't been all over the internet myself, trust me is it currently 3am, so you know I've been surfing.

So in my attempt to share with the world something meaningful and possibly useless at the same time I found these ladies.
It is new and not much to the website, but the gals are precious and I'm hoping that it will develop into something as meaningful as they have described on their site. The music video is amazing and I'm jealous of all the beautiful vintage dresses.

Hopefully one of these days I'll attack the world with something as inspiring as these ladies!


  1. surprise, they're quirky AND beautiful!

  2. I read your blog! Keep posting so I have something to read when I want to blow my brains out sitting in lecture.
