Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh shit...

Christ these shoes over at Habitat are THE BOMB DOT COM! If only I had $170 to spare I would scoop them up! Also I've been on the heal hunt for a while, but mainly because I can't really wear anything higher than 3 inches, but that's sometimes pushing it. So I've been searching for up to date looking shoes and not to mention they have to meet some requirements and now that I found my awesome grey pumps I've been finding more and more heels that I want. The bad thing? They are all fairly pricey shoes, what can I say I have good taste haha.  


  1. OMG! I LOVE them! You gave me a major case of the gimmies! lol

    You do have good taste, Katie. Good luck on your shoe hunt! Let me know if you find something good.

  2. hey, doo doo. those are so cute. tell mcv to revamp the hospital dress code so that you can wear these. you can certainly invest $170 in work, right?
